Java Sudoku Solver
I have just uploaded a program I wrote a couple of weeks ago to GitHub. The program is a sudoku solver which I wrote in Java. I am also posting the source code below.
The program reads the sudoku from a text file called “Sudoku.txt”. Which should be formatted like so:
Where the 0s are the blanks in the given puzzle. The program will then print the solution to the command line.
When input the puzzle above:
Here is the source code:
public class SudokuSolver
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(new File("Sudoku.txt"));
int[][] sudoku = new int[9][9]; //Will hold the puzzle in a 2D array.
//We will use this variable to hold the next line of the puzzle, then parse
//each digit on that line.
String line = fileScanner.nextLine();
//Loops round placing the digits into the correct place of the array.
for (int y = 0; y < 9; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
//Gets the digit converts it from a char to an in and places it in the array.
sudoku[y][x] = Character.getNumericValue(line.charAt(x));
//At the end of each line we load the next line, but check there is a next
//line before trying to load it so the program does not crash.
if (x == 8 && fileScanner.hasNextLine())
line = fileScanner.nextLine();
} //for x
} //for y
//The recursive function that actually solves the sudoku (starting at 0,0)
solve(sudoku, 0, 0);
} //main
//This is a recursive function used to go through each cell and place a valid number.
//Until they are filled in.
private static void solve(int[][] sudoku, int cellX, int cellY)
//If the y value is 9 then the sudoku has been solved.
if(cellY > 8)
//System.exit(1); // = This will end the program quicker as it does not have to
//"go back up" through the levels of recursion, but means the main
//routine will not continue running.
//Also if there is more than one solution to the sudoku using this will only print
//the first solution found.
//Here we calculate the next digit for the solve routine to try.
int nextX = cellX;
int nextY = cellY;
if(cellX == 8)
//When at the end of a row add 1 to the row and reset the "column" to 0.
nextX = 0;
//If the digit was already given to us, we can move onto the next one.
if(sudoku[cellY][cellX] != 0)
solve(sudoku, nextX, nextY);
//Otherwise, starting at 1 through 9 we check if the number is "legal"
//and if so place that number, and move on to the next cell.
for(int checkNum = 1; checkNum < 10; checkNum++)
if(checkSquare(sudoku, cellX, cellY, checkNum)
&& checkRow(sudoku, cellY, checkNum)
&& checkCol(sudoku, cellX, checkNum))
sudoku[cellY][cellX] = checkNum;
solve(sudoku, nextX, nextY);
//If we get to here it means in it's current state the sudoku is impossible
//which means that one of the numbers we "placed" earlier is incorrect.
sudoku[cellY][cellX] = 0;
//This method is given a cell location and a number to check, it then checks
//whether that number is already in the 3x3 square and returns false if so.
private static boolean checkSquare(int[][] sudoku, int reqX, int reqY, int toCheck)
int rowY;
int colX;
//First we work out which column the "square" belongs to.
//We take the given x value and if it is below 3 then that means
//the square we need is in the first column (out of 3). etc.
if(reqX < 3)
colX = 0;
else if (reqX < 6)
colX = 3;
colX = 6;
//We do the same but for the rows. For example if the y value is 5 then
//the related square would be on the second row.
if(reqY < 3)
rowY = 0;
else if (reqY < 6)
rowY = 3;
rowY = 6;
//We have now defined the square we need to check and have the top left
//co-ordinate stored in the variables rowY and colX.
//We now loop round and check each digit in the square, and if a digit matches
//we return false.
for(int y = rowY; y < rowY + 3; y++)
for(int x = colX; x < colX + 3; x++)
if(sudoku[y][x] == toCheck)
return false;
return true; //number not in the square.
//Checks if a given number is in a given row and returns false if it is.
private static boolean checkRow(int[][] sudoku, int rowY, int toCheck)
//loops round each digit in a row.
for(int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
//Checks if the given number is the same as the current digit
//and returns false if so.
if (toCheck == sudoku[rowY][x])
return false;
return true; //the number is not in the row.
//Checks if a given number is in a given column and returns false if it is.
private static boolean checkCol(int[][] sudoku, int colX, int toCheck)
//Loops round each digit in a column.
for(int y = 0; y < 9; y++)
//Checks if the current digit is the given digit and returns false if so.
if (toCheck == sudoku[y][colX])
return false;
return true; //the number is not in the column.
//Prints the sudoku to the screen.
private static void printSudoku(int sudoku[][])
//Loops round each digit and prints it.
for(int y = 0; y < 9; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < 9; x++)
//Starts a new line when at the end of a row.
if(x == 8)
} //for x
} //for y
} //printSudoku
} //SudokuSolver