How to mass unfollow on Twitter!
Yesterday, I wanted to unfollow everyone on an old account on Twitter. When searching Google for a tool to do this for me I found the ones that existed either weren’t very good or wanted a fee to do it (the tools that required a fee had many other options and features such as only unfollowing people who aren’t following you). After trying a couple of the tools I still had not managed to unfollow all the users I was following so decided to try and find my own solution and here it is:
1) Login to Twitter and click Following.
2) Scroll down to the bottom until everyone your following has loaded (Tip: press the end button to get to the bottom quicker).
3) Open up your browser console (CTRL + SHIFT + J for Chrome).
4) Copy & Paste the following Javascript and hit enter:
var el= document.getElementsByClassName('button-text unfollow-text');
for(var i=0; i<el.length; i++){
5) Wait a second or two depending on how many users you are following.